Welcome to my personal site! I am a High Performance Software Engineer in the Hartree Centre, Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), Daresbury Laboratory, UK.
My role in Hartree Centre is to analyse and optimize the performance of scientific and technical applications to modern parallel architectures and supercomputers. I have been involved in projects with Intel (I was the PI of the Hartree Centre Intel Parallel Computing Centre), Roll-Royce Plc, and the UK MetOffice among others. Currently I am contributing to the open-source PSyclone code-generation system for domain-specific languages.
Additionally to my job I am coursing a PhD in the Computer Science department of the University of Liverpool under the supervision of Jeyan Thiyagalingam, I am researching dynamic compilation systems to identify and solve at runtime performance issues on novel many-core architectures.
I created this site as a place to list all the publications, presentations and projects that I have been working on.